Comments on Brussels Euro-demonstration 04/04/2014 #NewPathDemo


Commenting on today’s Euro demonstration for a new path for Europe, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, said    

50,000 people from 21 countries across Europe made a huge effort to come to Brussels to demonstrate peacefully against austerity, against unemployment and for new policies to create jobs and growth.

That people even came from as far away as Portugal, Bulgaria and Cyprus to send a sobering message to EU leaders. People have had enough of austerity. They want a concerted effort to tackle unemployment, poverty and inequality.   

I am shocked and saddened that a very, very small minority sought violence and confrontation with the police. I am very sorry if any innocent bystanders, peaceful demonstrators or police officers were hurt.  

I hope the violence of a tiny minority does not distract from the serious and peaceful messaqe of the overwhelming majority.”