Conclusions of the June Council: an empty text, far from their promises, far from our expectations?

Brussels, 20/06/2013

The European Council of December 2012 announced a roadmap that would deal in particular, with the social dimension of economic and monetary union, including the social dialogue.

The draft conclusions that have been leaked completely ignore the objective that had been set by the EU 27. The text has a hollow wording and proposes nothing new or concrete. The demand for structural reforms, on the other hand, is back on track as an act of faith.

The European trade unions calls on political leaders to accept their responsibility. The European Council must not be turned into a media show.

The ETUC reiterates its call for:

a) a plan to stimulate growth and employment amounting to 1% - 2% of the European Union’s GDP;

b) a change in economic policies that are geared towards austerity;

c) transparent social indicators;

d) minimum social standards;

e) a strong social dialogue at the European as well as the national level;

f) measures to put a stop to social and wage dumping and deregulation.

ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol stated: “I cannot believe that the heads of state and governments are going to endorse a text that makes no headway and in no way responds to the expectations of the people of Europe. Europe cannot surrender to national circumstances. It would be better to have no conclusions at all than this hollow jargon. I made this point yesterday to the President of the French Republic and I will make it again to all the political leaders I am meeting in the next few days.”