A delegation of European trade union leaders meets with Chancellor Merkel

Brussels, 23/03/2012

The trade unions are no longer the only ones to recognise and to assert that austerity does not work. The collateral effects of austerity such as downward pressure on wages and the attacks against the European social model must stop.

The ubiquitous claim that the Welfare State impedes economic growth and competitiveness is unacceptable. It is ideology in the guise of pragmatism. The priority is quality employment and the need for a stimulus plan for sustainable growth.

Germany has always been a major player in the European project. But today, the future of Europe is at stake and much more, since the adoption of the fiscal package that imposes a budgetary discipline which cannot be sustained because it is not accompanied by a plan for growth and social guarantees. Key questions have to be raised: What kind of Europe do we want? Will European citizens comply with measures that risk endangering their future? Let us show what kind of democracy we want.