Enough is enough! European workers fight against austerity and for a better and fairer future

Brussels, 29/11/2011

Several major trade union actions, such as strikes, demonstrations and rallies, are taking place across Europe. European workers stand against social regression and demand the end of austerity measures.

On 30 November, a public sector strike for Pensions Justice is taking place in the United Kingdom and a strike will be organized in Bulgaria to protest against attacks on labour rights. On the same day, the European Public Service Union (EPSU) has called for a day of action for public services. On 1st December, Greek unions will organise a General strike against austerity measures, and on 2nd December Belgian trade unions will take the streets of Brussels to say no to austerity.

Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, said: “Enough is enough! The future of Europe cannot be based on austerity, insecurity and social regression. We support our members in their actions at national level and we urge European leaders to stop bowing to the financial markets’ diktats. Europe needs a radical change of course”.

Trade union actions will continue beyond these dates. Further mobilisations against austerity are planned in the forthcoming days in Hungary, Lithuania and France as well as a day of action on ArcelorMittal has been announced by the European metalworkers’ Federation (EMF).

- List of actions across Europe: http://www.etuc.org/a/9315