Brussels, 15/10/2013
“The lack of transparency in the TTIP negotiations, despite regular leakages of information in the press, only increases suspicion and will not create the climate needed to get social acceptance of the final agreement. Formal social stakeholder engagement is essential”, she emphasised to MEPs. “The ETUC has been clear from the outset that any resulting TTIP agreement must be a gold standard agreement in social and environmental terms, ensuring the agreement or subsequent structures does not reduce existing standards or impinge on public authorities’ right to regulate”, she recalled.
She urged for caution in the TTIP negotiations, stressing that mutual recognition of regulations through a trade agreement would not provide a silver bullet to creating jobs and growth.
The ETUC’s concerns were reiterated by all MEPs who spoke in the subsequent debate, while the Commission promised to consider ways of ensuring more transparency and participation.
Her intervention is available here: