The ETUC condemns the nationalistic turn being taken by Hungary

Brussels, 10/01/2012

The Hungarian government’s measures, voted in in record time, follow the reform of the Labour Code which harms workers’ rights, particularly those of the most vulnerable workers.

Viktor Orban’s government preaches economic patriotism, which is no more than a illusion, because the country is mired in crisis. The currency is depreciating, capital is flooding out, there is an explosion of debt and Hungary continues to depend on the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for its survival. The ETUC stands shoulder to shoulder with the Hungarians who came out in their thousands in early January to protest against this government.

Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, stated: ‘The European Union cannot put up with the attacks made by Viktor Orban on media pluralism, the independence of the justice system and all the democratic counter-powers. We need to act to ensure that the fundamental rights guaranteed by the EU are fully respected. The initiatives taken by President Barroso must be bolstered. This so-called economic patriotism will only lead to forcing the country into a nationalistic and populist direction that must be condemned as being harmful to workers and citizens’.