The ETUC Executive Committee adopts a declaration on Greece

Brussels, 07/03/2012

Greece is being pushed to one of the deepest economic slumps in modern times, forecast to cumulatively reach wartime recession levels of 25%–30%. Sacrifices imposed on workers, pensioners and their families are without precedent in the post war period. With more than one million unemployed, nearly 30% of the population has shifted to below the poverty line. Nearly a quarter of a million people rely on relief work for a daily meal.

The ETUC Executive Committee expresses its indignation at the proposed prioritising of loan repayments over pensions, salaries or any social need via an escrow account where all public Greek revenues will be collected, pushing the country soon into an internal default.

The ETUC and its affiliates will remain vigilant and active, at the forefront of Pan-European efforts to save Greece.

ETUC Executive Committee declaration on Greece: