ETUC Executive Committee agrees to step up campaign for a stronger Social dimension in the EU

Brussels, 07/06/2006

The Committee, representing all ETUC-affiliated organisations, backed proposals outlined by ETUC General Secretary John Monks.

"We need a stronger social dimension aligned to the Constitution," said John Monks. "People have many concerns about issues like jobs, restructuring and globalisation." The ETUC will campaign for trade union rights to Europe-wide industrial action to defend workers' interests, as well as more information and consultation within companies.

"Social provisions along these lines are necessary to get the active support of workers around Europe," said John Monks.

In the ETUC's view, the Constitutional issue cannot merely be put to one side, as some politicians seem to wish. It respects the decision of the 15 (soon to be 16) EU Member States that have already ratified, and remains consistent in its support for the existing text, as the best available option.

On the Services Directive, trade union leaders agreed on the need for more time to assess the revised proposal from the European Council, before it goes to second reading in the European Parliament. "The Council decision generally reflects the position we are supporting, although there are still some details we want to pursue in consultation with our affiliated organisations," said John Monks. "This is a very important measure and the final stages should not be rushed. In parallel, the ETUC reiterated its support for a intersectoral framework directive on Services of General Interest.”

On revision of the Working Time Directive, still blocked in the Council, the Executive reaffirmed the ETUC's demand for the 'opt-out' clause to be phased out, and for 'on call' periods to be included in working time. In the light of growing pressure on EU leaders to settle the issue, the Committee backed the call for a renewed campaign in the autumn to achieve these objectives.