ETUC General Secretary meets EU Council president in office

Brussels, 16/03/2012

During her meeting with the current President-in-Office of the EU Council, Bernadette Ségol wanted to make the voice of the European trade union movement heard. The ETUC General Secretary expressed her gravest concern about the deterioration of the economic and social situation and its disastrous consequences for workers. Austerity has proved to be completely ineffective. It is creating more job insecurity and inequality and presents a challenge for the social model. The Danish presidency must take this reality into consideration and bring its full weight to bear to give another direction to Europe, if the European project is to remain credible in the eyes of its citizens.

The ETUC has pointed out to the Danish presidency that, unlike growth, the austerity measures fell under very precise, short-term provisions. Bernadette Ségol nonetheless acknowledged that growth was henceforth to be taken into consideration in the European vocabulary, but that it was still broached in too vague a manner. It has been accorded no precise objective. The ETUC calls for a stimulus plan for sustainable growth and quality jobs. Particular attention must be focused on employment for young people who are paying the highest price for the crisis.

The ETUC General Secretary was also concerned about the delays with certain European legislative initiatives relating to the single market (employee posting directive and Monti II). The President-in-Office of the EU Council was reminded that these proposals had to contain strong social provisions and clarify the relationship between economic freedoms and fundamental social rights. These proposals must also concur with the commitments of the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso. He had actually come out in favour of fundamental social rights and had undertaken to adopt a legal framework to fight against social dumping in Europe. The ETUC is still expecting words to be turned into deeds.