ETUC General Secretary together with Portuguese unions to present the ETUC Social Compact for Europe

Brussels, 24/07/2012

The ETUC General Secretary and the Portuguese trade union delegation lead by their General Secretaries will meet later on today, the Portugal's Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho and the President of Portugal, Cavaco Silva. In the afternoon, the high-level union delegations with some representatives of the Portuguese parliament’s Commission are also received by the President of the Parliament, Maria da Assunção Esteves.

The meetings are designed to press the case for the adoption of a Social Compact across Europe, for a Europe of solidarity and cooperation to counter the Europe of competition and deregulation.

Austerity has clearly failed. We need to concentrate on growth. That is why we call on European leaders to adopt a Social Compact for Europe through prioritising sustainable growth, quality employment and greater social justice” has declared Bernadette Ségol

- ETUC Social Compact for Europe

