ETUC seeks to coordinate the trade union input in the National reform plans

Brussels, 20/09/2005

In particular, the ETUC has asked its affiliates to:

- Introduce ‘ a plan for economic recovery' to finally end and overcome the long European downturn. An additional 1% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) should be invested in the Lisbon priority areas.
- Establish that every worker concerned by restructuring has a right to re-insertion in the labour market on the basis of a quality job paying a fair and decent wage.
- Identify and correct situations of excessive flexibility on the labour market, leading to workers getting trapped in ‘bad jobs'.
- Define objectives in order to reduce the number of ‘working poor'.

In coming months, the ETUC will closely follow-up the reform plans to see whether the new Lisbon strategy is delivering economic as well as social results.

Says John Monks, General Secretary of ETUC: ‘In order to put full employment and Social Europe at the heart of the new Lisbon Strategy, European trade unions have to use the strength of acting together and talking with one voice'.

- Note: Orientational Guidelines