ETUC solidarity with the workers of Bahia de Cadiz

Brussels, 20/03/2007

The Executive Committee considers the Group's plan to close the plant in Cadiz Province, thereby turning its back on some 6,000 workers and their families, to be completely immoral; especially in view of the fact that the company has for years benefited from investments and aid from the public authorities of Andalusia and Spain. The closure would see the loss of 1,600 direct and some 4,000 indirect jobs.

The ETUC Executive Committee deplores and denounces the attitude of companies that assume no social responsibility and are only interested in profit. The ETUC rejects in no uncertain terms a decision that would plunge the entire region into a very serious crisis.

The ETUC rejects these corporate policies, which are becoming more frequent by the day in Europe and have a negative impact on the rights of workers.