The ETUC Steering Committee condemns the atrocities in Iraq

Brussels, 13/05/2004

The ETUC Steering Committee meeting on 13 May, expressed their shock and abhorrence at the spiralling atrocities revealed daily in Iraq.

They underlined their utter condemnation and revulsion at the many and brutal murders in Iraq. They called for the immediate and safe release of all hostages in Iraq and for an end to the vile practice of kidnapping.

They also condemned acts of abuse and violence by coalition forces against prisoners detained in Iraq. They called for a full and open investigation of allegations of violence, humiliation and even killing of prisoners, and for any persons responsible for carrying out such extreme violations of international law to be brought to justice. They urged all parties to observe the Geneva Conventions and to cooperate fully with the investigation being undertaken by the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC).Recalling that the ETUC had opposed the war and had consistently insisted that United Nations (UN) agreement and involvement was necessary to resolve issues arising over Iraq and provide the necessary legitimacy, they stressed that, with just 48 days before the handover of sovereignty, a strong UN role is an essential element for a successful transfer of sovereignty to the people of Iraq. They also reiterated their call on the EU to play a commensurate role in support of the political process and in the reconstruction of Iraq. The Steering Committee called on all EU institutions to assume their responsibilities as a matter of urgency and charged the General Secretary to contact the Presidents of the Institutions to press for action in this respect, including special sessions to build a greater degree of unity and action at European level.