ETUC: " Workers can pay the highest price"

Brussels, 30/01/2004

On the occasion of the joint ETUC - TUTB Conference on “Joint occupational Health and Safety (OSH) strategy for the Enlarged Europe” organised the 30th of January in Brussels, John Monks, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) calls for proper regulation on health and safety and points the finger at British Government for misapplying the Working Time Directive.

The accession countries have made tremendous efforts to incorporate the existing body of community law - the acquis. However, there is still work to be done and transition periods, particularly on occupational health and safety measures, should be reduced to the minimum.

Workers can pay the highest price for the lack of proper regulation and no country should avoid implementing it. That is why John Monks, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, criticises the UK's use of the op-out from the Working Time Directive and supports the initiative to protect workers in the European Parliament.

“We fully support those in the European Parliament who voted a few days ago to bring the British Government to Court for misapplying the Working Time Directive. I hope that the British government will reconsider its position and settle this matter without any need for legal proceeding” he said.

- Practical Information and Programme

- ETUC General Secretary Speech