The ETUC's social dimension for the European Union to be promoted in Greece

Brussels, 11/06/2013

For 3 years Greece has been subjected to harsh austerity measures leading to among others dramatic cuts in wages, social provisions and pension benefits which are violating its international obligations. It is a clear signal to the Greek authorities and in particular, to the European Commission and the European Central Bank, as well as the International Monetary Fund, that austerity does not work.

Meeting in Dublin on June 5 and 6, trade unions across Europe have called for a new European Recovery Programme focusing on job creation and the promotion of the European Social Model, as a priority. This will be the common message to the Greek government.

A press briefing will follow the meeting. For more information: [email protected]

- ETUC position on the social dimension of the European Union:

- Tour of the EU Capitals "Towards a social dimension for the European Union"