EU-UK deal avoids no deal

Commenting on the EU-UK deal Luca Visentini, ETUC General Secretary said “There is no form of Brexit that will improve the lives of working people.“

“Although President von der Leyen says fair competition and a level playing field are ensured, it would mean very little if long-drawn out arbitration was the main way to deal with disputes. 

“The length and complexity of the deal raises serious questions about the time available for Member States and the European Parliament to scrutinise it in the detail necessary.”

Esther Lynch, ETUC Deputy General Secretary added “The deal is not the end. Even with the deal there will be disruption. The EU needs to increase the Brexit Adjustment Fund in recognition that workers should not bear the consequences. The funds must be made quickly available to protect workers, sectors and industries from January 1st. Workers should not have to lose their jobs before assistance is made available.

“The ETUC will examine the deal in detail to check the reality of the spin with the actual provisions. We will look to see if the monitoring arrangements provide for the involvement of trade unions and if the rebalancing measures are effective."

The ETUC will continue to work with its affiliates including the British TUC and Irish ICTU to secure measures to protect workers, their jobs and rights into the future.

ETUC acknowledges the hard work of the negotiators to avoid no deal.