European Action Days: 250,000 to 300,000 people will demonstrate in Europe from 14 to 16 May

Brussels, 11/05/2009

In a context of crisis, with unemployment reaching staggering levels, the European trade unions will march to protect employment and to reiterate that every effort must be made to keep workers on the job. We want social and employment policies that emphasise security, not flexibility. Such policies are a prerequisite for a social Europe capable of developing its full potential.

Demonstrators will say ‘no’ to the abuse of financial capitalism, which is leading to ever more social injustice and inequalities. The European trade unions call for a New Social Deal that gives priority to social justice, solidarity and more and better jobs. Social protection must also be enhanced to avoid social exclusion.

The European trade unions will make their voice heard on 14 May in Madrid, 15 May in Brussels and 16 May in Prague and Berlin because they want jobs and citizens to be placed at the heart of European political priorities.

See also the ETUC Manifesto <strong>Fight the crisis: put the people first</strong> and all <strong>practical information</strong> in relation to the Euro-demonstrations in Madrid, Brussels, Berlin and Prague, as well as ETUC demands for a <strong>New Social Deal in Europe</strong>.