European Council - Taxation and energy issues: Much more is necessary

Brussels, 23/05/2013

After eight years of discussion, the European leaders have reached an agreement in principle on automatic exchange of tax information. This is one step forward; but concrete measures have not been taken to tackle tax fraud and tax evasion across Europe. Tax competition between companies has not been dealt either.

The European Summit decisions still show the lack of a concrete and effective coordinated EU approach on taxation policy. The fight against tax fraud and tax evasion must be combined with the end of downward tax competition among member states” said Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary.

Poor results have also been achieved on energy policy. In particular, the ETUC stresses the need of binding targets for 2030 on energy efficiency, renewables and emissions reduction to direct investment, which are still missing.

The Summit has not provided an energy framework to ensure long term competitiveness for Europe, while ongoing austerity and political indecision are a far greater danger for European industrial competitiveness. In this strategic policy, we need more Europe, and a positive Europe” added Bernadette Ségol.

The ETUC welcomes the European Council’s determination to find concrete solutions to the urgent youth unemployment problem.