Georgian unions join ETUC and the fight for workers and trade union rights in Europe

Georgian trade unions have today joined the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), a move which will help raise labour standards to the required levels for accession to the EU.

The ETUC’s executive committee voted unanimously in favour of membership for the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation (GTUC), which is made up of 20 trade unions representing 156,000 workers in every sector of the economy.

The GTUC plays a leading role in Georgia in the fight for democracy as well as workers’ rights and decent living standards.

Membership of the ETUC will further assist the GTUC in its efforts for Georgia to reinforce labour standards, social dialogue and social rights, to improve living and working conditions and to obtain the improvements needed to fully respect the EU social acquis. 

The GTUC becomes the 104th member organisation of the European Trade Union Confederation, helping to build workers’ power through a united labour movement which now represents more than 45 million workers in 42 countries.

ETUC General Secretary Esther Lynch said:

“Raising labour standards and reinforcing social dialogue will be an important part of Georgia’s journey to EU membership.

“I am delighted the that the GTUC is now part of the ETUC and we will reinforce our support to the trade union movement in Georgia in its work towards accession.

“In joining the ETUC, the GTUC is also helping to build the strong and united labour movement that can win the social Europe that citizens want to see.

“The affiliation of GTUC confirms and reinforces the representativeness of the ETUC as the European cross-sectoral social partner representing workers and trade unions.  

“The determination of people in Georgia for a future in the EU is based on a desire for progress, hope and solidarity and that’s what the European Union needs to be again.”

GTUC General Secretary Irakli Petriashvili said:

“Today is a historic day for me personally, for the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation and for all citizens of Georgia, as we have joined this big European family.

"ETUC Membership means that advocating for challenges of every worker (minimum wage, unemployment benefits, informal employment, etc. that was done by GTUC will now continue together with our big, strong European family.

"I hope that all this will help and stimulate us, for the Georgian people dream to come true and for Georgia to soon celebrate the membership of the European family.”