"Give us guarantees on jobs and do not exit prematurely from high public spending"

Brussels, 03/02/2010

John Monks will declare to the President of the European Council: “We are extremely concerned that Governments will exit prematurely from the stimuli packages which have been applied since the crisis started and that precipitate action will retard growth and further increases in unemployment. European trade unions sent a letter to their Heads of government with a clear message: You have saved the banks, now save the jobs”.

The ETUC demands that heads of Government and the European authorities:

- Maintain high levels of spending to promote growth and as part of an expanded EU recovery Plan, inject an extra 1% of Growth Domestic Product to boost jobs for the unemployed. The ETUC asks for investments in strong industrial policies and in policies for research and innovation. The training and research policies must be reinforced to ensure quality jobs in a long run Europe must on the other hand develop its own growth strategy based on green growth.

- Give a guarantee in 2010 to all young people of jobs and learning opportunities so that we do not have a wasted generation.

- Keep up purchasing power and invest in welfare states and public services which have been crucial stabilisers in preventing the recession becoming a depression. Public spending must not be seen only as a cost.

- Combat inequality and growing precarious work ensuring that posted and migrant workers are treated equally to other workers.

- Regulate effectively financial markets to prevent such a disaster happening again.

John Monks added: “We hope that Heads of Governments and European authorities will give guarantees to workers and hope that these guaranties will be confirmed at the European Summit of 11th February and at the Spring Summit”.