An international day for decent work

Brussels, 06/10/2008

In the context of this World day for decent work, John Monks, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, will take part in the activities organised by ETUC's Belgian members on the morning of 7 October. “This World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) is essential for the trade union movement. Every confederation will contribute by one way or another. As for us, we will put great emphasis on decent working time. Our key message will be: for decent wages and decent working hours”, declares ETUC General Secretary John Monks.

A European trade union delegation will also be in Paris that afternoon to participate in the event organised by ETUC's French member unions.

The schedule of activities in which the ETUC will participate is as follows:

•  11:45: Rally at Rond Point Schuman, Brussels. Keynote speeches by John Monks and Guy Ryder (ITUC), among others, with the participation of the European Commission’s Vice-president, Margot Wallström, who has been invited to sign a petition for decent work;
•  17:00: Big meeting and free concert, Paris, Place du Trocadéro (next to Parvis des droits de l'Homme). Keynote speeches by John Monks, Guy Ryder and the general secretaries of French trade unions.

For further information:
•  see WDDW website, click on the map to see the programme of the town of your choice.

In Paris, the WDDW will close with an international, European and trade union gathering at 17:00 at the Trocadéro.

A press conference will take place in Brussels.

Press release
In Trade