It's a message to EU leaders

A giant, too-big-to-miss message for EU leaders has been erected in Rond Point Schuman for the EU Summit on June 27, which is due to decide who to nominate as new President of the European Commission.


Asking ‘Who will lead Europe?’ the message reminds leaders that there are 26 million unemployed in Europe and urges EU leaders to invest in growth and jobs.


Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, speaking at the unveiling of the message opposite the Summit venue said  


“Our leaders need to stop claiming the crisis is over. A recovery without jobs is no recovery. Citizens are looking for new policies, a change of direction, a new path”.

“The Euro may have been saved, but we need to get people back to work, and out of poverty. We need to tackle the inequality that has widened so dramatically in recent years.”  

She added “We do not need a long inter-institutional dispute, we need a new President in office to show that Europe is capable of responding to the needs of its citizens, to draw up new policies to tackle unemployment and create quality jobs”.


The message will be on display from Monday 23 June until Saturday 28 June in English, French, German and Dutch.


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