A new path for Europe: fighting for investment, quality jobs, equality Austerity is not working


Tomorrow, the European Trade Union Confederation is holding a Euro-demonstration in Brussels demanding the end of austerity and proposing a new path for Europe, for investment, quality jobs and equality.

At least 40,000 workers from 21 European countries will to take the streets of Brussels to express their dissatisfaction with the economic situation and the economic policies being pursued. 

The crisis of unemployment and poverty has yet to be tackled: while EU leaders say Europe must continue with tough austerity policies, trade unions fight for new policies to get Europe back to work.

“Austerity is not working. Austerity has caused a mounting social and economic crisis: over 26 million Europeans are jobless, 10 million more than in 2008. This is why we demonstrate and demand a New Path for Europe, based on investments, quality jobs and equality” said Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary.