Tour of the EU Capitals: Bernadette Ségol to meet Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann

Brussels, 25/06/2013

Ahead of the meeting with the Austrian Chancellor, Bernadette Ségol said: “The European Summit which will take place in a few days is extremely important for Europe’s future. For too many years, citizens have been expecting real action to fight the crisis and resolve the unemployment emergency. Up to now, many promises have been made, but we have yet to see any action. According to the draft conclusions circulating in the press, the risk of a missed opportunity is extremely high. We are pressing European leaders to deliver on promises made in 2012 and we are urging them not to surrender to national circumstances. We’ve had enough empty promises. No procrastination. It's high noon for social Europe. It's high noon if leaders want to be able to count on the people’s support for the European project".