Trade union leaders call on G8 for a fairer distribution of benefits of globalisation

Brussels, 04/05/2007

The trade union delegation, led by the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), will urge G8 ministers to prioritise the social dimension of globalisation, focusing in particular on more and better employment, stronger social protection in developing and emerging countries, and the social responsibility of businesses.

Governments thus far have failed to manage globalisation and have failed to assure that workers participate equitably in the benefits of economic growth,” argue the trade unions.The benefits of globalisation in the industrialised countries have accrued disproportionately to the wealthiest families, while the majority of working families are excluded.”

Another topic of concern to the ETUC is the threat posed by private equity and hedge funds, controlling a growing share of industry worldwide. The unions have drawn up demands for companies' activities to be oriented toward long-term sustainable investment strategies that create wealth for all, and good employment opportunities for workers.

The trade union delegation will also present its demands for the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm in June, to Chancellor Merkel, at a meeting in Berlin on 7 May.

Press release
In Trade