Trade unions fighting against human trafficking

Brussels, 17/10/2008

Human trafficking, as one of the worst forms of exploitation of migrant workers, has in previous years been identified as a priority issue on European and international trade union agendas. As a result, the Greek General Confederation of Labour GSEE is hosting a conference in Athens on 21–23 November 2008, organised in cooperation with ITUC, PERC and ETUC, to develop a specifically targeted trade union strategy to better defend the rights of these ‘invisible’ workers. 

Unreasonably restrictive migration policies throughout the world, including in Europe, render migrant workers extremely vulnerable and often push them into informal and unprotected working conditions. This is happening increasingly in mainstream economic sectors such as agriculture and construction. Women in domestic work are also known to be particularly at risk. Trade unions fighting for decent work are set to ensure that these workers are protected and freed from forced labour. In reality, most of them suffer not only forced labour but are also victims of child labour and discrimination, as well as being legally prevented from organising. Ensuring freedom of association for all workers offers an effective tool to protect and defend their interests themselves and help victims of trafficking regain their lives and dignity. Many children are also trafficked, and trade union actions on child labour are also a key area of action. 

Policies focusing on the migration phase of trafficking have proven to be inadequate. The only way to sustainably eradicate human trafficking is by also acting against the exploitative situations which arise from it. Ensuring that full respect for workers’ rights will deter opportunistic employers from looking for a cheaper alternative to their workforce, thereby effectively diminishing demand for cheap labour and other abusive employment practises.  
‘Human trafficking is a phenomenon that is still growing’, said Guy Ryder, ITUC General Secretary. He added that: ‘Major efforts are needed to eradicate it without delay. Every country is responsible for safeguarding the human rights, including labour rights, of the people on its territory.’

•  To see the second Newsletter of the global trade union alliance to combat forced labour and trafficking (203Kb MS Word).
•  To see the ITUC Video on forced labour: