The Unions' response to closing down ERT –public television and radio broadcasting – is a 24-hour general strike. The GSEE and the ETUC express solidarity with ERT employees.

Brussels, 12/06/2013

We call upon working people to express their solidarity with ERT employees who were dismissed overnight and protest against the decision outside the ERT premises.

Trade unions together with Greek society, which is suffering under the painful and unilateral austerity measures imposed by the Greek government, were caught unaware by the shock announcement. They denounce this unprecedented authoritarian and anti-democratic decision as a “coup d’ état”.

In their meeting yesterday with the Greek Prime Minister, Antonis Samaras, the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), Bernadette Ségol, and the GSEE President, Yannis Panagopoulos, expressed their disagreement with the decision and strongly denounced the closing down of ERT.

It is a joint and non-negotiable GSEE and ETUC position that ERT belongs to the Greek people and is accountable only before to Greek taxpayers, who pay for public broadcasting.

The GSEE will join forces with ERT employees and will fight to reverse this decision.