- The 2019 G7 Presidency made the fight against inequalities its top priority setting ambitious objectives for social cohesion. We, the business (B7) and labor (L7) organizations in G7 countries, consider that we have a role to play in addressing this challenge.
- For decades, multilateralism has brought peace and prosperity to most parts of the world, reducing poverty and generating opportunities for many; however, it now faces new challenges from many sides, including technological and environmental transitions, which are exacerbated by persisting inequalities and discrimination, not least between genders.
- We believe that the global economy cannot be inclusive and sustainable, if it excludes a large part of the population from equal opportunities and the benefits of growth. The global governance should better take into consideration current social challenges, including the need for new skills, to ensure decent work according to international standards and the conditions for business to support productivity, higher wages, and create good jobs.
- Therefore, taking inspiration from the G7 tripartite agreement arising from the social ministerial in June we urge G7 countries to act and restore confidence in order to prevent the risk of a growing share of the population feeling vulnerable and losing faith in democracy and the global economy.
- We urge all stakeholders to support and fund our education and training systems, to help businesses and employees adapt to a digitally interconnected world, and to seek environmental sustainability with incentives for long-term ecologically responsible investments to promote growth and full employment. We believe that it is critical for businesses and trade unions to take action in supporting their existing workforces through reskilling and upskilling with life-long learning and for governments to create an enabling environment to assist businesses in these efforts and workers with appropriate transition measures.
- We, the business and trade union organizations working together through social dialogue, are already addressing these challenges. We have a key role to play in shaping together the future of work and in putting people at the heart of economic growth and social progress. We consider that the future of work has to be more inclusive, in particular in terms of shared prosperity, which has a deep and positive impact on societies as well as on business performance. We are convinced of the benefits of a diverse workforce, free of discrimination, to reach our economic and social objectives.
- To advance policy and action coherence placed on the agenda by the French Presidency, raise awareness on this issue and agree on a working program, we ask G7 leaders to promote an international initiative with all stakeholders, including B7 and L7 representatives, on sustainable growth and a more inclusive international governance model.
- The 2019 G7 summit in Biarritz represents a unique political momentum where governments, businesses, trade unions, and civil society should agree to work together in order to address the challenges of our time and reshape the global economic order.