Social Compact for Europe

Towards a Social Compact for Europe

Since 2008, the austerity measures have deepened the crisis. The ETUC is deeply concerned at the dramatic rise in unemployment in Europe, and the increasing inequality and poverty which undermines the European Social Model.

Europe needs to change course drastically. European cooperation, not downwards adjustment based on wage cuts and bad jobs, is the way out of the crisis

Meeting at the Executive Committee, on 5-6 June, Europe’s trade union leaders adopted the Social Compact for Europe and called on the Commission, Council, European Parliament, Head of State and Government to engage in a discussion on the proposal aimed at putting growth, employment and social justice at the top of the European agenda.

- Social Compact Document

High level meetings to present the Social Compact for Europe

We are arranging high-level meetings to present our Social Compact for Europe, in advance of the European Summit on 28-29 June. The following meetings are already confirmed:

- Meeting with Mr Van Rompuy, President of the European Council on 26 June at 16.45
- Meeting with Mr Barroso, President of the European Commission on 26 June at 18.00
- Meeting with Mr Schulz, President of the European Parliament on 27 June at 17.00
- Meeting with Mr Junker, Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the Eurogroup on 28 June at 11.00

Other meetings are expected to take place between 26 and 29 June.
ETUC message to the European Council of the 27 June 2012

ETUC message to the European Council of the 27 June 2012

A press conference will take place in Brussels on 27 June where the ETUC and other union’s leaders (names to be confirmed) will present their demands and alternatives for the future, ahead of the European Council.

Further information

- Leaflet - Social Compact for Europe (Available in different languages)

Interview of Bernadette Ségol with France Inter

- Download the programme (16/06/2012) - " Le cri d’alarme des syndicats européens sur la crise économique" :

Video: Solidarity and fairness are a requisite for saving the EU

Press release

- The European trade union proposes a Social Compact for Europe (06/06/2012)