Ceux-ci sont au coeur des activités syndicales, il est donc de nos jours impossible de ne pas les soutenir.
- Arabic version of the leaflet - AR French version of the leaflet - FR Italian version of the leaflet - IT Spanish version of the leaflet - ES Hungarian version of the leaflet - HU Romanian version of the leaflet - RO Turkis version of the leaflet - TK Czech version of the leaflet - CS Greek version of the leaflet - EL Dutch version of the leaflet - NL Polish version of the leaflet - PL Slovakian version of the leaflet - SK Bulgarian version of the leaflet - BG Estonian version of the leaflet - EE Croatian version of the leaflet - HR Portuguese version of the leaflet - PT wedish version of the leaflet - SV Russian version of the leaflet - RU English version of the leaflet - EN German version of the leaflet - DE Slovakian version of the leaflet - SL