For Information : Translation Fund of joint texts agreed by the European Social Partners

To: Members of the ETUC - Youth Committee

Dear colleagues,

Please have a look to this circular which was sent yesterday to every ETUC member organisation.

The Translation Fund was already mentioned in many meetings of the ETUC - Youth Committee. You may want to consider this possibility to have the Framework of Actions on Youth Employment ( 

Fraternal greetings,


Thiébaut Weber.

19 January 2017

PDF Version

Translation Fund of joint texts agreed by the European Social Partners
Available from 01 January 2017 to 31 December 2018

Information to Member Organisations and sectoral social partners

In order to promote dissemination and full implementation of EU social dialogue texts, the European social partners have at their disposal a translation fund for joint texts agreed in the framework of the EU social dialogue from / into 24 official and working languages of the European Union as well as the languages of candidate countries at the time of the project submission deadline (June 2016) according to EC rules. 

What does this cover? 

The fund is available for translating EU social dialogue texts, with priority given to inter-professional social dialogue texts and notably those agreed during the period covered. Requests can also be submitted for EU sectoral social dialogue texts which have a direct link with and/or deriving from cross-industry social dialogue texts.

Eligible texts can include different types of joint agreements (framework agreements, framework of actions, joint declarations, documents produced at the national level, etc.). Once finalised, the translations will be published on the resource centre websites of the ETUC ( and employers (

Who can apply?

Member organisations of the European social partners: ETUC (and the liaison committee Eurocadres-CEC), BusinessEurope, UEAPME and CEEP; as well as European sectoral organisations / industry federations. 

How does it work? 

To benefit from the fund, social partners must send a joint request to ETUC and BusinessEurope, indicating the text(s) they wish to translate and language(s) chosen. Budgetary responsibility is divided as follows: 

•    ETUC: Albanian, Bulgarian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarian, Macedonian, Maltese, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.

•    BUSINESSEUROPE: Croatian, Danish, Dutch, English, German, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Montenegrin, Polish, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak and Slovenian.

National social partners can either ask the EU social partners to organise the work through Brussels-based independent translators or jointly select a national-based translator to carry out the work after obtaining approval for the quote from BusinessEurope or the ETUC, according to which organisation has budgetary responsibility. The organisations that submitted the request must jointly check and approve the translated text. The cost of the translation(s) will be borne by either BusinessEurope or ETUC according to the language.

ETUC contact person:

Mr Ruairi Fitzgerald
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5, B – 1210 Brussels
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +32 2 22 40 404; Fax: +32 2 224 04 54

BusinessEurope contact person:

Mr Guillaume Cravero
Avenue de Cortenbergh, 168, B – 1000 Brussels
Email: [email protected]
Tel: +32 2 237 65 92; Fax: +32 2 231 14 45