• 02.12.2021 Document

    Netlex celebrates its 25th Anniversary!

    Netlex celebrates its 25th Anniversary! On 2 December, the ETUC’s Confederal Secretary Isabelle Schӧmann together with Frédéric Sève, CFDT National Secretary, kicked off the ETUC conference celebrating 25 years of trade union legal activism in Europe. The conference is a unique opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the ETUC trade union legal network and to showcase, with its new legal forum named ETUCLEX, the enhanced investment of the trade union legal and litigation action in defending workers’ interests and promoting social justice.
  • 29.11.2021 Document

    Open letter to the President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen for an ambitious European legislative initiative on improving the working conditions in platform work

    *Signatories : Pierre-Yves Dermagne (Deputy Prime Minister for the Economy and Labour, Belgium), Yolanda Díaz (Minister of Labour and Social Economy, Spain), Ana Mendes Godinho (Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Portugal), Hubertus Heil (Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Germany), Andrea Orlando (Labour and Social Policies Minister, Italy), Luca Visentini (General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, Italy), Ludovic
  • 28.10.2021 Document

    ETUC reflections on the SOCIAL ECONOMY ACTION PLAN

    ETUC reflections on the SOCIAL ECONOMY ACTION PLAN The ETUC delegation taking part in the SP dedicated hearing prior to the issuing of a Social Economy Action Plan, has identified some aspects worth underlining in the context of EU policy-making. Trade unions and social economy, a promising alliance for upward social convergence
  • 15.09.2021 Document

    ETUC statement on Afghanistan

    ETUC statement on Afghanistan Adopted by the ETUC Executive Committee on 9 September 2021 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is alarmed with the situation in Afghanistan and concerned about the security of the Afghan people, both those that remain in the country and those seeking protection. The fall of the Afghan government has demonstrated the failure of the NATO and has shown the need for a relaunch of global multilateralism, based on democracy and peace, solidarity and respect for human rights.
  • 27.08.2021 Document

    Solidarity with Turkish unions on public service pay

    Turkish public sector workers demand better pay
    The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) have followed closely the collective bargaining rounds in the Turkish public sector, informed throughout by our affiliates.
  • 18.08.2021 Document

    ETUC Letter to EU Institutions' Presidents on Afghanistan

    The ETUC sent a letter to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, Charles Michel, President of the European Council to raise the need for the EU institutions to take immediate action and ensure that all EU Member States work together for the safe passage out of Afghanistan and asylum for anyone in danger. The EU and Member States must do all that they can to protect all trade union, human and women's rights activists, journalists and those who have campaigned for freedom, democracy and equality.
  • 20.07.2021 Document

    ETUC condolences and solidarity with flood victims

    The ETUC offers sincere condolences to all the people, families and communities hit by the flooding in Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. Today, on the Belgian national day of mourning for the victims of the floods, the ETUC expresses its horror at the scale of devastation, solidarity with all the victims and their loved ones, and thanks emergency service workers and all workers and volunteers involved in helping to deal with the impacts of the floods. 
  • 25.06.2021 Document

    Statement by the ETUC Women’s Committee on the ratification of ILO C190

    Statement by the ETUC Women’s Committee on the ratification of ILO C190 Adopted by the ETUC Women’s Committee on 24 June 2021 Every worker, no matter who they are or what work they do, deserves the protection of ILO Convention 190 concerning violence and harassment in the world of work.