• 27.06.2014 Document

    ETUC position on single-member private limited liability companies

    Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 11-12 June 2014   Summary ·      The proposed SUP generates serious concerns with regard to fiscal evasion, workers’ rights and sustainable corporate governance in general. If adopted, this Directive would be an open invitation to companies of all sizes to minimise their responsibilities under national law.
  • 14.06.2014 Document

    ETUC position on the new European Commission's five-year programme on migration (EC Communication "An Open and Secure Europe: Making It Happen")

    Adopted at the meeting of the ETUC Executive Committee on 11-12 June 2014         DG Home affairs launched a Communication aimed at setting priorities in the migration policies for the next five-years. In it, the ETUC recognises a new narrative for the migration phenomenon in Europe. However some areas of concern have been detected and improvements can be introduced.
  • 12.06.2014 Document

    ETUC declaration following the results of the European Parliament elections on 25 May 2014

    Adopted at the meeting of the ETUC Executive Committee on 12 June 2014   The result of the elections demonstrates the growing distance between workers and citizens with the EU institutions and their leaders.  It is a clear signal that austerity policies imposed by national governments during the last five years failed.   The message of voters is clear.  Unemployment, precarious work, low pay is the major EU problem.  Policies supporting the creation of quality jobs, protecting people and the European social model must be implemented.
  • 26.03.2014 Document

    ETUC declaration on industrial policy, energy and the fight against climate change

    Adopted at the meeting of the Executive Committee on 11-12 March 2014     The European Council of 21 March 2014 will address industrial policy, energy and the fight against climate change. On 22 January 2014, the European Commission published two communications entitled "For a European Industrial Renaissance" and "A policy framework for climate and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030". The aim of this declaration is to remind Europe's political leaders of some key elements of the ETUC's position on these issues.  
  • 03.12.2013 Document

    ETUC declaration on Ukraine

    Brussels, 03/12/2013 The Executive Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) today considered worrying developments in Ukraine and condemned the violent repression of demonstrators in Kiev. They expressed regret that the conditions were not right for the partnership agreement with the EU to be concluded in Vilnius on 29 November 2013.
  • 23.10.2013 Document

    ETUC Statement to the European Council: A European recovery plan is urgent

    Brussels, 23/10/2013 The current multi-faceted crisis exploded five years ago essentially in the financial sector; it triggered an economic and then a sovereign debt crisis. To combat this crisis EU leaders have adopted and implemented policies through brutal austerity measures and internal devaluation. This exacerbated the crisis, destroyed functioning economic structures, reduced consumption, increased inequalities and poverty, attacked wage levels, dramatically raised unemployment, jeopardised social cohesion and the support to the EU project.
  • 20.10.2013 Document

    ETUC Manifesto on the European Parliament Elections

    Brussels, 22-23/10/2013 For quality jobs, equality and democracy in Europe! From 22 to 25 May 2014, elections will be organised in each Member State of the European Union (EU) to elect the MEPs who will sit in the next European Parliament (EP). In particular, the European Parliament has the power to approve or reject European laws, decide on the European budget and choose the President of the European Commission.
  • 19.06.2013 Document

    The Social Investment Package

    Brussels, 23/04/2013 Key messages; • The key concern is that the EU needs real social investment. Social benefits bring value to individuals and to society and therefore it is justified to dedicate adequate budget resources to deliver social benefits and services to the people who are in need and entitled to social rights. Europe needs a real investment package to promote growth, employment and ensure economic and social cohesion. The ETUC has called for an additional investment equivalent to 1-2% of European GDP.
  • 14.06.2013 Document

    Employment must be at the heart of the European Semester – ETUC position in advance of the June European Council (27-28 June 2013)

    Brussels, 05/06/2013 Key messages The European Council must critically assess the European Semester to determine if the process meets the challenges of creating quality and sustainable jobs. Inadequate policies pursued by the Member States and the European Union need to be corrected. The ETUC calls on the European Union to adopt a REAL change of course and strategy by prioritising growth, jobs and social cohesion. This requires: