Reminder: Register for ETUC Youth Think Tank meeting & Important Updates on Reimbursement 28-29 October in Zagreb

28-29 October 2024
10000 Zagreb

Brussels, 2 September 2024

To: Members of the Youth Committee

Dear Colleagues and Participants,

I hope this message finds you well. This is a friendly reminder to register for the upcoming ETUC Youth Think Tank taking place in Zagreb on 28- 29 October 2024, if you haven't done so already. 

Your timely registration is essential for our planning and coordination efforts.

I would also like to share important updates regarding the reimbursement process. As this event is co-financed by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, we are required to follow specific reimbursement rules. Please note the following:

  • Local transport costs will not be reimbursed.

  • Only expenses for the direct connection to Zagreb, such as travel to and from Zagreb train station or airport, are eligible for reimbursement.

  • Unfortunately, your travel expenses to and from your local airport or train station cannot be reimbursed.

We understand that these rules may be burdensome, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. We suggest that you contact your organisation to inquire if they can cover the costs of local transport on your behalf.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We look forward to seeing you in Zagreb.

Best regards,

Tea Jarc
Confederal Secretary

Brussels, 20 August 2024

To: Members of the Youth Committee

Dear Members of the Youth Committee,

I hope this message finds you well.

We are pleased to invite you to the upcoming ETUC Youth Think Tank meeting, which will take place on 28-29 October 2024 in Zagreb, Croatia. This meeting is organized with the financial support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and is kindly hosted by our member organisation, SSSH Croatia.

You can register here to the event.

Meeting Objective

The main goal of this meeting is to strengthen cooperation among Youth Committee members and to collaboratively prepare the Trade Union Youth Plan. This plan will outline both external and internal priorities and will be presented at the ETUC Mid-Term Conference in May 2025. Your participation is crucial as we work together to shape the future direction of our youth initiatives.

Program Details

The meeting will start on 28th in the afternoon.  
Arrivals are foreseen on Monday, 28th October in the morning and departures on Wednesday, 30th October. Please see the attachment for detailed info.


Accommodation in single rooms, near the meeting venue, will be booked and paid for by the ETUC office for two nights (28th and 29th October).

Rules for Travel Booking & Reimbursement

  • Participants are responsible for organizing and booking their travel to Zagreb. 

  • This event is organized with the financial support of FES, which imposes specific rules for travel cost reimbursement. 

  • Travel Cost Limit: The total cost of your travel to the venue must not exceed 400€, including local transportation to the airport, etc. If your travel expenses exceed this amount, please contact the ETUC project officer, Niklas Franke ([email protected]) before purchasing your travel. If you don’t purchase your ticket in Euros, you can use this currency converter.

  • Car travel: Car travels are reimbursed on a fixed amount per kilometre. 

  • Economy Class & Taxi Costs: Taxi expenses cannot be reimbursed. Travels are foreseen in  economy class. In the exceptional case of booking Business class flights, confirmation has to be requested beforehand to the ETUC. 

  • !Proof of Payment!: We require a receipt as proof of payment; invoices alone are not sufficient. If an invoice serves as a receipt, it must be stamped and signed to confirm payment.

For instance: If you purchase your ticket at the machine at the train station, you must request & keep a receipt. Again, a ticket alone does not count as proof of payment. We recommend payment by card, as payments can be retrieved by card debits. 

  • Document Submission: All original receipts, invoices, and boarding passes must be retained and sent via post to the ETUC after the event. The ETUC office will reimburse participants after the event and upon submission of the original invoices, tickets, and boarding passes. 


Interested participants are invited to register online before the 27th September 2024. 

For more information please do not hesitate to contact ETUC Youth Officer Lucie Susova ([email protected]).

Kind regards,

Tea Jarc
Confederal Secretary