Competition and labour - A Trade Union Reading of EU Competition Policies
Competition practices are facing a growing range of criticisms amid concerns with corporate power at an all-time high. This raises a number of challenges, including adverse impact on sustainability issues and the widening of income inequalities. As far as the labour market dimension is concerned, the failure of competition policies and enforcers to assess and address the impact of growing corporate power on workers is contributing to lower employment, wages and working conditions.
The failure of EU competition enforcers to assess and address the impact of growing corporate power on workers is contributing to lower employment, wages and working conditions, a new expert report for the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) shows.
Commenting on the European Commission consultation on draft guidelines on EU competition law and collective agreements of solo self-employed people, Isabelle Schömann, ETUC Confederal Secretary said
“Collective agreements should be fully excluded from antitrust control, regardless of whether they protect employees, self-employed or other non-standard workers, including workers on digital labour platforms.
Brussels, 1 December 2021
To the ETUC NETLEX members
To the members of the Labour and Internal Market Legislation Committee
To the members of the Fundamental Rights and Litigation Advisory Group
For information to the Member Organisations
Dear Colleagues
We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at the 25th Netlex Conference whether in Paris or online.
For those participants attending virtually, please find the joining details for the Conference below:
ETUC Resolution for a More Sustainable and Inclusive Competition Policy
Adopted at the Executive Committee of 22-23 March 2021
Including the addendum on Public Procurement adopted at the Executive Committee of 4 June 2021