• 20.12.2017 Press release

    After CJEU ruling, Uber must now negotiate with trade unions

    The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled today that Uber is a transport service provider and not merely a smartphone application. The European Trade Union Confederation warmly welcomes this logical judgement. According to the CJEU, this means “Member States can therefore regulate the conditions for providing that service”.  
  • 18.12.2017 Press release

    Trade Unions: Organising and Promoting Undocumented Migrant Workers' Rights

    On International Migrants’ Day, the trade union movement reiterates its solidarity with undocumented migrant workers. The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM) today issue a leaflet to support trade unions in their efforts to speak up for and organise undocumented workers.
  • 15.12.2017 Press release

    Ryanair must respect workers' rights & honour its trade union promise

    The European Trade Union Confederation – representing 89 trade unions in 39 countries and representing some 45 million workers from all sectors and industries -  stands with Ryanair workers, and calls on Ryanair to honour its promise to recognise its workers’ trade unions.
  • 15.12.2017 Press release

    Ryanair must respect workers' rights & honour its trade union promise

    The European Trade Union Confederation – representing 89 trade unions in 39 countries and representing some 45 million workers from all sectors and industries -  stands with Ryanair workers, and calls on Ryanair to honour its promise to recognise its workers’ trade unions.
  • 15.12.2017 Press release

    ETUC on Summit & Social Pillar

    EU Council
    Following EU leaders agreeing to “put people first, to further develop the social dimension of the Union … to promote convergence and … implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights” at their Summit last night, the European Trade Union Confederation proposes:
  • 15.12.2017 Press release

    Putting quality jobs back on the agenda

    Trade union leaders from across Europe meeting in Brussels today reaffirmed their commitment to quality jobs for all working people – and agreed that creating quality jobs should be a top priority for European economic policy.   High unemployment, low investment and the growth of online platforms and low-value service industries have resulted in far too many new jobs being badly paid, insecure and poor quality.  
  • 12.12.2017 Press release

    Viktória Nagy elected ETUC Youth President

    Today, the Youth Committee elected Viktória Nagy as President of the Youth Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). "Despite economic growth all over Europe, workers are still looking for their recovery from the crisis” said Viktória Nagy, “and too many young people are trapped in precarious jobs. Zero-hour contracts, sub-minimum wages and unpaid traineeships must end."
  • 08.12.2017 Press release

    ETUC on Brexit

    European Commission
    Commenting on the agreement between the European Commission and the UK Government on Brexit negotiations, ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini said “The starting gun for the next phase of the negotiations is now ready to be fired, subject to the agreement next week of EU 27 Governments.”
  • 08.12.2017 Press release

    Samsung & McDonald's among multinationals that flout human rights

    The right to join a trade union and the right to collective bargaining are basic, human rights recognised by the UN International Labour Organisation. Yet many well-known multi-national companies do NOT recognise trade unions, and do not negotiate with trade unions on pay and working conditions. The International and European Trade Union Confederations (ITUC and ETUC) are joining forces for Human Rights Day (December 10) to name and shame two multi-national brands and household names that refuse to negotiate with trade unions.