• 15.09.2015 Press release

    New jobs - Boosted in Germany by minimum wage

    According to Eurostat today, employment in Europe and the Euro Area continues to expand with more than 400.000 jobs being added in the second quarter. “New jobs are welcome” said Józef Niemiec, Deputy General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). “But in many cases, the jobs created are of a questionable quality. In the UK, for example, the number of zero hour contracts has risen by 20% over the last year and the jobs created in Spain are mostly low paid, part time and temporary jobs.”
  • 15.09.2015 Press release

    Ministers play games while people die

    Source : EU Council
    Commenting on the outcome of the Home Affairs Ministers Council on the refugee crisis, Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said “The failure to take the necessary decisions is a disgrace. “The little that has been agreed is grossly inadequate. The next time the Ministers meet the humanitarian crisis is likely to be considerably worse. They are playing political games while people are crying out for help, while people are dying.
  • 14.09.2015 Press release

    European Trade Unions set policies for a fair Society

    At its Congress in Paris, in September, the European Trade Union movement will adopt new policies and demands for economic recovery and quality jobs a fairer society and Stronger EU economic policy coordination, especially within the Eurozone  
  • 11.09.2015 Press release

    Court ruling – mobile workers have to be paid travel time

    Workers without a fixed workplace will have to be paid for travel time thanks to a European Court of Justice ruling. “The European Court of Justice have dealt a blow against the exploitation of workers” said Veronica Nilsson, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC. “This is good news for many home care workers, repair and maintenance staff and other mobile workers.”   
  • 11.09.2015 Press release

    EU has to act together, show compassion and agree asylum policy

    Justice and Home Affairs Ministers meeting in Brussels on Monday must show that EU Governments are capable of acting together, decisively and with compassion towards refugees. “EU Governments have got to respond positively to President Juncker’s proposals to tackle the humanitarian emergency on our borders” said Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation. “The inability of European Governments to act together so far on the refugee crisis is an international embarrassment for the EU and its citizens.”
  • 11.09.2015 Speech

    'No to Slavery at Work' event - Speech by Bernadette Ségol

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation at 'No to Slavery at Work' event 10 September 2015, Vilnius [Check against delivery] Dear colleagues, friends,   I am pleased to be with you here today in Vilnius, and to bring you the support and solidarity of the European Trade Union Confederation and of your brother and sister trade unionists across Europe.
  • 09.09.2015 Press release

    ETUC comments on State of the Union

    Source: European Commision
    Commenting on Jean-Claude Juncker’s ‘State of the Union’ speech, ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said     “President Juncker clearly grasps how Europe needs to react to the refugee crisis. His leadership and proposals are welcome although they are light on detail with a lot to be worked on. What matters now is that member states act decisively, together and with compassion.”
  • 28.07.2015 Press release

    Fighting terrorism and reviving the Tunisian economy

    In a joint declaration the General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Bernadette Ségol and the General Secretary of the Union Générale des Travailleurs Tunisiens - UGTT (General Union of Tunisian Workers) Houcine Abassi underlined the importance of economic recovery in Tunisia. Bernadette Ségol said "It's certainly very important that the European Union and Member States help to strengthen security in Tunisia. A climate of confidence is vital for the well-being of citizens and visitors, and also for investments to recover".
  • 23.07.2015 Press release

    ETUC and Youth Committee condemn Suruc bomb attack

    Source: Disk
    The ETUC and its Youth Committee condemn the bomb attack in the Turkish town of Suruc, which killed at least 30 people taking part in a meeting of young activists to discuss the reconstruction of the neighbouring Syrian town of Kobane, as “barbaric” and mourns the loss of life. “The taking of the lives of good people, young activists, friends and family members is an unspeakable crime,” said Patrick Itschert, Deputy Secretary General of the ETUC. “It is a direct attack on decency and the engagement of young people in building a better society".
  • 21.07.2015 Press release

    Follow ETUC Congress: live streaming

    Congress will be fully available through web streaming in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish plus original language.
  • 15.07.2015 Press release

    Energy union: jobs policy missing

    Today, the Commission released its “Energy summer package” which is supposed to lead the way in transforming Europe's energy system. “ETUC supports the Energy union” said ETUC Deputy General Secretary Józef Niemiec. “We hope it will make the EU less dependent on energy imports, more energy efficient, more sustainable, and create more quality jobs.”
  • 14.07.2015 Press release

    ETUC meets Luxembourg EU Presidency

    ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol today met the Prime Minister of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, the current chair of the EU Council, to discuss the EU agenda for the coming 6 months and set out the European trade union movement’s priorities. 
 Top of the agenda were: 
 Speedy implementation, and a boost in funds from members states, for Juncker’s €315bn investment plan.