December 15: Trade Unions against Austerity

Brussels, 13/12/2010

Several trade unions, members of the ETUC, went ahead of the December 15 call with a number of national mobilisations because of the accelerated deterioration of the economic and social situation in their countries. There will however be many decentralized actions – strikes, demonstrations, work stoppages, meetings – all over Europe (in Greece, Spain, France, Luxemburg, Denmark, Czech Republic, etc.) See the 15 December map:

Said John Monks, ETUC’s General Secretary: “Bankers continue to pocket their gains and to democratize their losses. As the year comes to an end, bonuses are flowing making the contrast between private wealth and public austerity all the more obvious. European trade unions ask the governments to stop attacking wages and welfare, to act together, to stop racing from one crisis to the next, to stop destroying our social Europe. These are the reasons why social protest movements are taking place across Europe today and why we are gathering in front of the seat of the European Commission. We are here both to deliver our message to the European Executive and to support the actions of our affiliates everywhere. This will be the message that we will bring to the Euro Group President, Mr. Jean-Claude Juncker, on December 16.”

Stop just saving the banks, start saving workers! :

Invitation for the press at the ETUC rally in front of the seat of the European Commission: