ETUC puts forward its "decent work - decent life" strategy at the World Social Forum

Brussels, 19/01/2007

ETUC Confederal Secretary Joël Decaillon and advisers Juan Moreno and Gabrielle Clotuche will make up the confederation's three-strong delegation.

The ETUC's contribution will focus on "decent work - decent life", and present trade union strategies in support of poor and unemployed people. The ETUC delegation will also take part in seminars on migration, relations between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, and multinational companies.

In the context of the World Social Forum, the priority for the European trade union movement will be to strengthen solidarity so as to guarantee decent work, as well as other conditions for development,” declared ETUC Confederal Secretary Joël Decaillon.
On Saturday 20 January, the trade union participants will join a demonstration coordinated by the local WSF organisers.

Press release
In Trade