The ETUC estimates that over 100,000 jobs will be lost if worker-focussed measures are delayed until October 2025. In exchanges with President Costa and President von der Leyen at the Tripartite Social Summit today, trade unions stressed the urgent need for EU action, currently at risk of being delayed until the end of the year.
"We can't allow Europe to be bullied out of our social model built on solidarity, cooperation & respect." speaking ahead of the Tripartite Social Summit happening right now.
— European Trade Unions ( March 19, 2025 at 3:04 PM
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There is no chance for Europe to be competitive without resources for investment. That’s why the ETUC stressed the need for investment, thereby addressing the €800 billion gap highlighted by the Draghi report.
Trade unions called for a SURE 2.0 facility that anticipates and manages change through supporting collectively agreed transformation plans that protect quality jobs in every sector and every region.
Warning that there can be no blank cheques, trade unions called for all EU funding to include social conditionalities to ensure quality jobs in Europe, covered by a collective agreement.
The flexibility proposed today by the European Commission through the activation of national escape clauses will not guarantee that there will be no trade-off between defence and social spending. Underscoring that the fiscal rules will hold Europe back, trade unions insisted that the general escape clause be activated to allow member states to invest to achieve Europe’s social, environmental, and digital objectives.
Deregulation: a red herring
The current attempt to rush through deregulation initiatives under the guise of administrative simplification is misguided. OECD data published earlier this week shows that several European countries, including Germany, France, Spain and Italy are more lightly regulated compared to the US.

This evidence indicates that regulation is not a driving factor responsible for reducing Europe’s competitiveness.
Increasing defence spending will not be the solution to stop the job cuts working people are facing across Europe, especially in the absence of employment-focussed measures.
Esther Lynch, ETUC General Secretary, said:
“Security is impossible without a strong and fair economy. A strong and fair economy is impossible without investment for quality jobs and public services.
“That’s why we are insisting that the EU spending rules must be suspended. Member states must invest for our future.
“There can be no blank cheques. All public spending must require the protection and creation of quality jobs in Europe, with good working conditions covered by a collective agreement.
“It’s a mistake to wait until companies are at the brink of closure before taking action. Support needs to kick much earlier to keep jobs, provide training and ensure companies and workers alike can thrive.
“Europe must not be bullied out of our values and our strong social model.”
The trade union speeches are available below, as well as the ETUI-ETUC Growth and Employment Monitor: