A European Council with no political ambition

Brussels, 17/12/2012

The 27 States have postponed until 2013 important decisions which should have defined the roadmap for a political union. Only the banking union has moved forwards.

However, the Council has not given up on the highly controversial idea of ‘competitiveness contracts’ between the Member States and the Commission. Europe’s trade unions believe that such contracts must under no circumstances lead to structural reforms that undermine wages and social protection. On the contrary, they should integrate commitments for more quality jobs and sustainable growth.

The ETUC very much regrets that the banking union applies to only a minority of banks in the eurozone. If banking union is to meet its objectives, a number of major questions need to be addressed, such as: access to rescue funds under the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) for troubled banks, deposit guarantee schemes and a framework for the recovery and resolution of the failings of credit establishments and investment firms, as well as structural reform of the banking sector.

The ETUC welcomes the Council’s confirmation of its desire to maintain the European social model. ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol said: “The 27 Member States have decided to present a roadmap on the social dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), including the social dialogue, at the European Council in June 2013. The ETUC believes that this decision is a step in the right direction, but the unions insist that this social dimension should apply to the European Union and not just to the EMU. This roadmap must have a social objective, otherwise citizens will be driven even further from the European project”.

The ETUC demands to be involved in the discussions under way. It will present its proposals to the Council.