Gaza and Southern Israel: ETUC demands respect for international law and a return to peace negotiations

Brussels, 05/03/2008

The Executive Committee condemned the disproportionate use of force by the Israeli military in Gaza in recent days that has caused the deaths of over one hundred Palestinians – many of them civilians, women and children among them. It is a collective punishment of the population of Gaza which violates international law.

The Executive Committee urged Israel to refrain from all activities that endanger civilians and to respect their obligations under international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention. At the same time the Committee condemned Hamas violations of international law by firing of rockets into Israel, causing civilian casualties, and called for it to be ended immediately, so that negotiations can resume.

The Executive Committee expressed their continuing concern at the blockade of Gaza that has contributed to escalating unemployment and poverty in the territory. Negotiations are the only way to reach a lasting peace agreement based on international law and relevant UN resolutions.