The "last chance summit" produces a split in the EU and more austerity

Brussels, 09/12/2011

A new Intergovernmental Agreement is hailed as a solution to the Eurozone problem. But “more fiscal discipline, more automatic sanctions and stricter surveillance” that compose this fiscal compact will further anger European citizens and workers. It will not restore sustainable growth and give employment to millions of people.

The ETUC deplores the Council’s backing for the principle of excluding small businesses from future legislation. This is another attack on social Europe and will lead to downward pressure on workers’ rights. Measures for investment are necessary. The European Central Bank (ECB) has to play its full part in securing the Euro.

Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary said: “Europe needs a social compact, guaranteeing non intervention of the EU in wage setting mechanisms, the autonomy of social partners, protecting and promoting our social model. ETUC will demand that a social progress protocol be included in any revision of the Treaty or in any new Treaty.”

The ETUC is resolute in its demands for social progress, linked to financial stability and sustainable growth.