Meeting with the College of Commissioners: "The social dimension of the EU must be real"


During the meeting with the College of European Commissioners, the ETUC delegation presented the position on EU’s social dimension recently adopted by its Executive Committee. For the European trade union, the European integration process must set a goal for social progress and full employment whilst ensuring minimum social standards for all the Member States. The fight against unemployment must be the priority of priorities by putting an end to austerity policies and launching an investment programme for growth and employment.

“It is essential that the roadmap on the social dimension that will be produced by the European Council in June is more than a band-aid solution. This roadmap must not avoid the crux of the matter: it is the current austerity policies that are eroding the social fabric of our societies. If there is no clear indication that these policies are going to change, there can be no serious roadmap for the social dimension. It is the condition for trade union support for the European project”, ETUC General Secretary Bernadette Ségol declared.

- Speech of ETUC General Secretary (Available only in French):