• 20.01.2021 Document

    Right to disconnect - Joint ETUC/ETUFs Letter to the Members of the European Parliament

    Brussels, 19 January 2021   Members of the European Parliament via email   Dear MEPs, Workers experience a lot difficulties securing the right to disconnect in reality and the ETUC and the ETUFs urge the Commission to come forth with a proposal for a Directive quickly. Tomorrow, Wednesday the 20th January, amendments to the report on the right to disconnect will be tabled.
  • 16.12.2020 Document

    ETUC Statement for International Migrants Day

    To mark International Migrants Day on 18 December, ETUC honours and thanks all workers, migrant and local, who continue to risk their lives to provide essential services and keep vital sections of the economy going through the COVID19 pandemic. 13% of key workers in essential jobs in the EU are migrants. Up to 1/3 domestic and care workers, & labourers in construction & mining, all key workers, are foreign born.
  • 16.12.2020 Document

    ETUC letter to EU Chief Negotiation Michel Barnier on Brexit Adjustment Reserve

    Dear Michel, I am contacting you to raise the concern of trade unions across Europe that with few days to the end of the transition period, agreement is still to be reached.  This uncertainty adds to the already destabilising employment situation due to the pandemic and the planned end of the support measures next year.
  • 09.12.2020 Document

    ETUC supports Belgian trade unionists condemned for using right to strike

    ETUC Statement adopted at Executive Committee in their meeting 9th December 2020 in support of the FGTB/ABVV trade union leaders and activists condemned for exercising their rights to collective action ETUC is gravely concerned by the recent condemnations of FGTB/ABVV leaders and activists by the criminal courts in Belgium for exercising their fundamental right to take collective action in defense of the rights and interests of the workers they represent.
  • 07.12.2020 Document

    Brexit letter: Level playing field guarantees in the EU-UK deal

    ETUC Letter to EU Chief Brexit Negotiator Michel Barnier  Level playing field guarantees in the EU-UK deal Dear Michel, We understand negotiations are reaching their limits in terms of timing and of what is feasible or acceptable for the EU on the remaining critical issues of fisheries, governance and the level playing field.
  • 03.12.2020 Document

    European Social Partners joint statement on childcare provisions in the EU

    Introduction As part of their autonomous work programme 2019-2021, on 17 September the European Social Partners organised a meeting on childcare provisions in the EU. This was part of a series of meetings bringing together EU and national social partners and experts to discuss how to improve the performance of labour markets and social systems. As a result, we have published the following statement: General remarks
  • 24.11.2020 Document

    ETUC Statement on data governance

    On 25 November, the European Commission has tabled a legal proposal for  a regulation of the European Data Governance. The ETUC welcomes this legal proposal aiming at setting up the rules for a fair transfer of data among major actors in the digital economy, including governments and companies. The EC puts forward a “European way of processing data” among data intermediaries, built upon European legislation with a strong focus on not creating anti-trust practices among providers of data sharing services, to avoid monopolies.
  • 18.11.2020 Document

    European Social Partners joint statement ahead of European Council (19.11.2020)

    Ahead of the video conference of the members of the European Council on 19 November 2020, the European social partners urge member states to endorse the agreement found on the European recovery fund and Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. The agreement found as a result of the trilogue on the recovery fund and the so-called MFF (the EU's long-term budget) is essential to help the EU economy recover from the damage the COVID crisis continues to inflict.