• 24.11.2020 Document

    ETUC Statement on data governance

    On 25 November, the European Commission has tabled a legal proposal for  a regulation of the European Data Governance. The ETUC welcomes this legal proposal aiming at setting up the rules for a fair transfer of data among major actors in the digital economy, including governments and companies. The EC puts forward a “European way of processing data” among data intermediaries, built upon European legislation with a strong focus on not creating anti-trust practices among providers of data sharing services, to avoid monopolies.
  • 18.11.2020 Document

    European Social Partners joint statement ahead of European Council (19.11.2020)

    Ahead of the video conference of the members of the European Council on 19 November 2020, the European social partners urge member states to endorse the agreement found on the European recovery fund and Multiannual Financial Framework for 2021-2027. The agreement found as a result of the trilogue on the recovery fund and the so-called MFF (the EU's long-term budget) is essential to help the EU economy recover from the damage the COVID crisis continues to inflict.
  • 16.11.2020 Document

    ETUC Statement on the deal reached by EU institutions on the EU Budget and ‘Next Generation EU’: IMPORTANT DEAL FOR A PEOPLE’S RECOVERY

    GENERAL OVERVIEW The European Parliament and European Council have fulfilled their political responsibility in agreeing on a long-term budget for the EU and the temporary recovery instrument ‘Next Generation EU’.  It is an increased budget which comes alongside a substantial Recovery Plan and represents a much better response than the one to the previous crisis.
  • 12.11.2020 Document

    Joint statement on Minimum Income

    Following the Council Conclusions on Minimum Income, it is time for the European Commission to respond with courage and propose a legally binding EU framework for Minimum Income
  • 30.10.2020 Document

    ETUC statement on Youth

    Time for Quality Jobs
    The COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic repercussions have hit young people in Europe particularly hard. The latest Eurostat figures show skyrocketing youth unemployment figures across the EU: In August 2020, 43,9 % young people aged between 15-24 years in Spain were unemployed, 39,3 % in Italy and 32,1 % in Greece. The EU average lies at 17,6%.
  • 16.10.2020 Document

    Petition "More Democracy at Work is a must!"

    Petition More Democracy at Work is a must! European workers are now facing the massive social and economic consequences brought by the pandemic. An inclusive recovery and just transitions can only be achieved together in democratic manner, including the guarantee that all workers have a say and are effectively involved in the day-to-day life of their workplace.
  • 14.10.2020 Document

    Letter to Employment Ministers on Recovery Plan

    Dear Ministers, As the European Union shows readiness to implement an ambitious Recovery Plan, Europe must emerge from the COVID-19 outbreak avoiding massive unemployment, a recession and a rise in inequality and social exclusion, and build a socially fair and inclusive recovery.
  • 10.09.2020 Document

    Renewal of the European Partnership on Integration

    Renewal of Partnership for Integration
    On 7 September 2020, the European Social and Economic partners (ETUC, BusinessEurope, CEEP, SMEunited and EuroChambres)  and the European Commission - represented by Commissioners Johansson and Schmit - renewed their commitment to the European Partnership for Integration Offering opportunities for Refugees to integrate the European Labour Market with a
  • 08.09.2020 Document

    ETUC Comments on the Commission Guidelines on Seasonal Workers

    The COVID-19 outbreak has exposed and exacerbated the deplorable working and living conditions of hundreds of thousands of seasonal workers in the EU, the vast majority of whom are cross-border and migrant workers. The pandemic is a wake-up call to recognise the pressing need to improve the conditions of vulnerable yet essential workers in sectors such as agri-food. The lessons learnt should pave the way for actions to address the shortcomings of the current legal framework in times of crises as well as in everyday working life of seasonal workers.