• 21.04.2022 Document

    Letter to Commissioner Borrell on arrests in Belarus

    Dear High Representative, The situation for independent trade unions in Belarus has seriously deteriorated. On 19 April 2022, the leadership of the Belarusian Congress of Trade Unions (BKDP) - the President of BKDP Aliaksandr Yarashuk, BKDP Vice-President Siarhei Antusevich, President of Free Trade Union of Metal Workers (SPM) Aliaksandr Bukhvostau, President of Free Trade Union of Belarus (SPB) Mikalaj Sharakh - were arrested.
  • 22.03.2022 Document

    ETUC resolution on vaccination schemes

    ETUC Elected Team
    ETUC resolution on vaccination schemes Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 16-17 March 2022 Over the past months, a steep increase in Covid-19 infection rates has been observed in several European countries. The Omicron variant spread rapidly this winter, therefore making the need for strong action to reduce transmission more needed and urgent to – inter alia – maintain the operability of healthcare systems manageable and to protect the most vulnerable groups in society.
  • 17.03.2022 Document

    ETUC Resolution on Ukraine

    Resolution on Ukraine Approved by the Executive Committee meeting 16-17 March 2022 The ETUC reiterates its condemnation of the invasion of a sovereign nation, in breach of international law and calls on Russia to respect Ukrainian territorial integrity, demands the immediate cessation of military operations, insists that Russian troops leave the country, and calls for dialogue and talks for peace be started. The ETUC expresses its solidarity with all people, workers, and trade unions of Ukraine. 
  • 25.02.2022 Document

    Statement of the EU cross-industry social partners on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

    ETUC, Business Europe, sme united, SGI Europe
    In light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and in support of the conclusions of the special meeting of the European Council of 24 February 2022, we, the European cross-industry social partners, state that: • We strongly deplore and condemn the unprovoked attack on the territorial integrity of Ukraine currently underway. This attack is an obvious violation of international law and represents a clear threat to European peace and security.
  • 07.02.2022 Document

    ETUC letter to EU leaders on the 30th anniversary of the Maastricht Treaty

    Dear Presidents, Today is the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Maastricht Treaty. The ETUC joins many others in saluting the creation of the European Union with its social policy commitments alongside ambitious economic goals. It remains a milestone in the history of Europe and European integration. For all its faults, the European Union is a model of regional cooperation without parallel in the world. But while we should celebrate the Union, we should not overlook its failings. The house that is the EU is much needed - all the more reason to keep it in good repair.