• 02.09.2015 Document

    Emergency motion - Solidarity with Greek workers

    Taking into account that Greece and its working people for five years face a deepening economic, social and political crisis resulting from consecutive rounds of austerity and labour market deregulation which entrapped the country in a vicious circle of recession and unprecedented unemployment against deepening poverty and inequality.
  • 01.09.2015 Document

    Improving gender balance in ETUC

    Congress Resolution presented by Executive Committee on Improving gender balance in ETUC Having regard to the statutory amendments submitted by the TUC, aiming at improving women’s representation in ETUC statutory bodies and largely inspired by the principles of the Road Map adopted at the Executive Committee in June 2014;
  • 04.11.2014 Document

    Role of the ETUC 2015/2019 – follow up: Communication and Campaigns

    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 28-29 October 2015 Communicating effectively – Taking ETUC, European and national affiliate cooperation to a new level    Communications plays a central role in achieving ETUC objectives. The ETUC must communicate with EU institutions and ‘actors’ that influence EU policy, including the media and should be able to better spread its messages and actions among the affiliates.
  • 03.11.2014 Document

    Towards a new framework for more democracy at work: ETUC resolution

    Resolution adopted at the Executive Committee meeting of 21-22 October 2014   Key messages: ·   The ETUC calls for a Directive introducing a new and integrated architecture for workers’ involvement in European company forms. Building on the existing EU acquis, the Directive should set high standards on information and consultation, and introduce ambitious minimum standards on workers’ board level representation as an additional source of workers’ influence. 
  • 12.06.2014 Document

    ETUC Resolution on European Standardisation

    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee 12 June 2014 The ETUC Executive Committee reiterates how important it is that the interests of workers are represented when considering the issue of standardisation. It makes reference to the resolution adopted on 5 and 6 June 2013 and to the ETUC’s role in European standardisation within the framework of the new legislative context defined in Regulation No. 1025/2012.
  • 16.04.2014 Document

    ETUC Resolution on Undeclared work

    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 11-12 March 2014 Undeclared work is a serious form of social dumping and it is high time that concrete action is taken at EU level in order to prevent undeclared work and to protect undeclared workers. The EU needs better enforcement of existing labour laws and standards as well as a stronger role in promoting more, and better, cooperation and coordination between the different national administrations.
  • 11.04.2014 Document

    ETUC Resolution on Improving quality of Apprenticeship and Work-based learning

    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 11-12 March 2014       Background   Work-based learning, which is generally associated with apprenticeships for young people and dual systems of vocational training, is part of the policies supporting the transition from school to the labour market. It is integrated into broader education and training policies linked to labour market issues. [1]