• 22.02.2021 Document

    ETUC Statement before 1st stage consultation on Platform Work

    ETUC Statement before 1st stage consultation on Platform Work This week, on Wednesday 24 February 2021, the European Commission will launch the first phase of the consultation of the social partners on improving the working conditions of workers on digital platforms.
  • 17.02.2021 Document

    Joint letter - The new CAP needs social conditionality

    The new CAP needs social conditionality - End exploitation and raise labour standards in European agriculture Together with other 300 organisations, the ETUC signed this open letter addressed to key Commissioners, EU Parliament negotiating MEPs, and national agriculture ministers
  • 08.02.2021 Document

    ETUC Code of Conduct for Meetings, Events and Courses

    ETUC Code of Conduct for Meetings, Events and Courses Adopted during the Executive Committee meeting of 9-10 March 2020 Introduction The ETUC has zero tolerance for any violence and any type of harassment including sexual harassment. Violence and harassment in the world of work deprives people of their dignity, is incompatible with decent work. It is a threat to equality and equal opportunities and to safe, healthy, and productive working environments.
  • 28.01.2021 Document

    ETUC Solidarity message to Cartel-Alfa

    Solidarity Letter sent to Bogdan Iuliu Hossu, President, CARTEL ALFA ETUC fully supports Cartel-Alfa in its actions to oppose Government austerity and to end wage poverty and pension inequality. ETUC strongly endorses Cartel-Alfa’s calls for social rights. It is unacceptable that the Government:
  • 28.01.2021 Document

    Ageing society is about future of work as much as pensions and care  

    The ETUC welcomes the launch of a consultation, and debate, on responding to the impacts of an ageing society. ETUC Confederal Secretary Liina Carr said “Ageing is not just a cost. Longer lives are a benefit and should be valued for the greater knowledge, experience and the potential benefits for family and community life.”
  • 20.01.2021 Document

    Right to disconnect – No to legislative veto amendment

    ETUC welcomes the European Parliament’s interest in the right to disconnect. It is an important right for the quality and dignity of life of working people. It is a right that European employers’ organisations refuse to recognise and are trying to block. The ETUC is calling on the S&D Group to withdraw the last-minute damaging amendment preventing legislative action on the right to disconnect for three years – which in reality means around eight years (given the length of the legislative process and coming-into-force period).
  • 20.01.2021 Document

    Right to disconnect - Joint ETUC/ETUFs Letter to the Members of the European Parliament

    Brussels, 19 January 2021   Members of the European Parliament via email   Dear MEPs, Workers experience a lot difficulties securing the right to disconnect in reality and the ETUC and the ETUFs urge the Commission to come forth with a proposal for a Directive quickly. Tomorrow, Wednesday the 20th January, amendments to the report on the right to disconnect will be tabled.
  • 16.12.2020 Document

    ETUC letter to EU Chief Negotiation Michel Barnier on Brexit Adjustment Reserve

    Dear Michel, I am contacting you to raise the concern of trade unions across Europe that with few days to the end of the transition period, agreement is still to be reached.  This uncertainty adds to the already destabilising employment situation due to the pandemic and the planned end of the support measures next year.
  • 29.09.2020 Document

    Launch of the EU-OSHA campaign "Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load 2020-22" - ETUC Declaration

    Safety and health at work – and prevention of MSDs - more important than ever in times of Covid-19 The health and safety of workers and the protection of jobs and rights have been the priority of the European trade union movement throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. When the restrictions relaxed to achieve a gradual return to economic activity, the ETUC demanded guarantees that the health and safety of workers is fully protected. 
  • 31.07.2020 Document

    The ETUC congratulates ÖGB for reaching a new tripartite agreement on short-time work

    The ETUC congratulates its Austrian affiliate ÖGB for reaching a new tripartite agreement on short-time work. Thanks to the strength of Austria’s trade unions, it was one of the first countries in Europe to secure workers’ incomes during the crisis and it is now leading the way in extending support. This comes at a time where around 340.000 applications for short-time work have been filed in the country.