• 12.09.2023 Document

    Joint call for a ban on deregulation for SMEs

    CFDT, FO, CFTC UNSA and DGB with the support of the ETUC call for a ban on deregulation for SMES    Deregulation: no - Simplification: under strict conditions The Franco-German Initiative on the relief package for SMEs is disguised deregulation: SMEs fall in a legal no man’s land; Business cannot be above the law
  • 09.08.2023 Document

    In Memoriam of MEP Trillet-Lenoir

    It is with sorrow that we learnt about the passing away of MEP Véronique Trillet-Lenoir earlier this month. Her remarkable dedication to the health and safety of workers will be remembered.   As a public servant dedicated to achieving health and safety at work, MEP Trillet-Lenoir demonstrated a solid commitment to improving the lives of workers throughout the EU. Her recent involvement in the revision of the Directive on asbestos at work demonstrated her dedication and commitment to making workplaces safer for all.  
  • 25.04.2023 Document

    ETUC and ETUCE support statement for Latvian trade unions in view of protest march and strike

    Dear colleagues,                                                                The ETUC and the ETUCE stand in solidarity with the Free Trade Union Confederation of Latvia (LBAS) and the Latvian Trade Union of Education and Science Employees (LIZDA) in their mobilisation, protest and strike to ask the government to take responsibility and fulfil the agreement reached in September 2022 for salary adjustment and balancing of the workload of all education personnel at national level, by adopting amendments to the relevant normative acts.
  • 12.04.2023 Document

    ETUC Position on the Reform of the economic governance (toward an EU pact for employment and investments)

    ETUC Position on the Reform of the economic governance (toward an EU pact for employment and investments) Position adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 30-31 March 2023 The reform of the economic governance of the European Union issued on 9 November 2022 should be assessed as insufficient. The European Commission's (EC) proposal appears inconsistent with both the Versailles Declaration of 11 March 2022 and Porto’s Social Summit Conclusions in 2021. Social and sustainability frameworks, such as the EPSR and SDGs, are disregarded.
  • 04.04.2023 Document

    ETUC position - The ETUC response to the High-Level Group report on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State

    The ETUC response to the High-Level Group report on the Future of Social Protection and of the Welfare State Position adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 30-31 March 2023 Summary of the Position a.  The Final Report of the High-Level Group of experts on the future of social protection and the welfare state in the EU was launched on 7 February 2023.
  • 24.02.2023 Document

    One year later the war must end!

    Working people always suffer in conflicts and the pursuit of peace is a fundamental trade union value. On 24 February 2022 Russian military forces invaded Ukraine, bringing destruction to peaceful cities and workplaces. It has been a year of shock and pain, devastating news and images, but also a year of bravery and consolidation of Ukrainian people and their unions and a year of solidarity, unity, and support.
  • 02.02.2023 Document

    Trade union statement to EU-Ukraine Summit on 3 February

    The European Trade Union Confederation and its affiliates, Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine and Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine, fully support Ukraine and its people in the fight for democracy and sovereignty against Russian aggression. That was a year of shock and pain, devastating news and images, but also a year of bravery and consolidation of Ukrainian people and their unions and a year of solidarity, unity and support.
  • 14.12.2022 Document

    ETUC appoints company for transparency analysis

    The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) has appointed an independent company with specialist expertise in anti-corruption practices in response to allegations of corruption involving public figures in and around the European Parliament, which resulted in the questioning and release under conditions of the former General Secretary of the ETUC.
  • 18.11.2022 Document

    EN-Adopted resolution-ETUC Proposal for a SURE 2.0

    ETUC Proposal for a SURE 2.0 ETUC Resolution adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 27-28 October 2022 IN A NUTSHELLThe ETUC proposes to refinance and scale up the current SURE instrument in the following manner:
  • 25.10.2022 Document

    Joint letter for an effective Directive on improving conditions in platform work

    This letter is a joint plea of trade unions, cooperative enterprises, and non-governmental organisations to the European institutions for an effective Directive on improving working conditions in platform work. We do not oppose digitalisation but believe that it should always provide social improvements, respect working conditions, and be developed in cooperation with workers and trade unions.
  • 17.10.2022 Document

    #FiscalMatters - Joint open letter to EU leaders calling for addressing the underlying structural problems of our economic system

    Dear EU leaders, The soaring cost of food and energy is plunging families across Europe into a cost-of-living crisis triggered by Covid-19-induced supply chain disruptions and worsened by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The European Commission has proposed solutions, such as caps on profits from energy production. These short-term solutions are needed but must be complemented with a longer-term approach.
  • 17.10.2022 Document

    ETUC Youth Statement on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

    We are entering the last quarter of the European Year of Youth, a year that was dedicated to young people after they were recognised as one of the worst  affected groups by the pandemic and after the research showed that poverty and inequality are one of the biggest concerns of  young people, preceded only by jobs and employment.
  • 14.10.2022 Document

    2023: European year of skills… for quality or precarious jobs?

    After the year of rail in 2021 and the year of youth in 2022, the European Commission decided to put the focus on skills for 2023. The challenge of skills is of course of paramount importance for the trade union movement, but we expect results and concrete policies, not declarations of good intentions. Rail workers have seen little to no improvements to their difficult working conditions and young workers are the most affected by consecutive crisis.
  • 05.09.2022 Document

    EU-Ukraine Association council - ETUC Statement

    Last June, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and its members warmly welcomed the decision to grant Ukraine EU candidate status. That is a long-time aspiration of Ukrainian workers who are sacrificing their lives, health and wellbeing in the fight for democracy and sovereignty against Russian aggression. Ukrainian trade unions are actively helping to deal with the humanitarian crisis provoked by it, while European and international trade union movement has mobilsed funds and solidarity aid for workers in Ukraine, but also to millions of refugees fleeing in EU countries.
  • 14.07.2022 Document

    Joint ETUC-PERC-ITUC letter on Ukraine sent to EU leaders

    Dear President von der Leyen, Dear President Michel, Dear High Representative Borrell, Dear President Metsola, We welcome the recent decision to grant Ukraine EU candidate status. That is a long-time aspiration of Ukrainian workers who stood in the revolution of dignity and who now sacrifice their lives, health and wellbeing in the fight for democracy and sovereignty against Russian aggression.
  • 14.07.2022 Document

    Letter to European Parliament President Roberta Metsola regarding Uber Files investigation

    Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament Dragoş Pîslaru, Chair of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs at the European Parliament Dear Ms Metsola, Dear Mr Pîslaru, Certainly, you are aware of the documents made available by different media revealing Uber’s lobbying malpractices towards the EU institutions and Member States.